The debate continues about how disenchanted Gen-Z is about the work. “No one wants to work in this generation” is the usual accusation against them.

Unsurprisingly, the accusations are primarily from the previous generations, from those old farts who have spent their entire lives in abhorrent work environments and toxic work cultures, where the work came first and human lives last.  People are fuelling unnecessary debates about an 80-hour work week, nation-building, work ethics, and whatnot, just to protect the atrocious culture that they have spent their lives building.

The question that begs an answer from such people is “Why does a job have to be anything more than a job? A way to earn money that satisfies the bare necessities of life?

Why does everyone have to treat their job as their passion? Maybe their passion lies somewhere else.

It has always been the case in this world that struggling artists and actors have done several jobs (from waiters to paint jobs to manual labor) to keep them financially afloat while they try to pursue their passion for acting, writing, painting, etc. For them why should they work more than they require?

So, why does it have to be any different in the software industry?

Work is not everything for most people and it shouldn’t be either. For a few, it may be their passion. For people who have spent 12-14 hours, it could be because it was their passion or compulsion but they can’t expect the same from the new generation.

It’s time they think from the other side and listen to the arguments of Gen-Z as well. They don’t want to be chained to their jobs and work incessantly until they fall sick. Maybe it was the need of that hour when you started your job, or maybe you have been doing it all wrong. That doesn’t mean this toxic culture needs to continue.

The demand of stretching the work hours and working over the weekends, sacrificing your personal life, has no buyers in the new generation. They are demanding flexibility about where and when they work,. And unlucky for the companies the new workforce can come from this generation only. So, companies should change their outlook and start understanding this fact ASAP, for their benefit.

The tables have turned the Gen-Z is showing the way, shed your ego and learn from them.


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